Welcome to a beginners guide to drone modeling with Metashape
This course covers 2D & 3D Modeling with DJI drones and Agisoft's Metashape. In this class students will learn about capturing images with their DJI drones for creating models. Students will then walk through the process of generating 2D & 3D models with a software package known as Metashape, developed by Agisoft.
The basic principles of Drone Modeling will be covered in this course. Capture images, import to a modeling program, aligning images, generating a point cloud, generating a 3D mesh, and generating a texture file. Most programs for drone modeling follow this workflow. So even if you're not a Metashape user, this class will still walk you through the basics of the modeling process.
Example Curriculum
- Tutorial 3 - 1 - Drone Data Collection Apps Overview - Drone Deploy, Pix4D, Map Pilot, GS Pro... (16:00)
- Tutorial 3 - 2 - Map Pilot from Maps Made Easy. Setting up for an automated modeling flight (13:10)
- Tutorial 3 - 3 - Pix4D Capture & Drone Deploy - Capture Apps for modeling - Cloud & desktop (10:16)
- Tutorial 5 -1 - A 360 Degree 3D Orbit Mission - Litchi flight and image capture (12:43)
- Tutorial 5 - 2 - Offloading and cataloging your model images - Kyno for keeping organized. (10:38)
- Tutorial 5 - 3 - Adding cameras to Metashape and generating a simple model from our Litchi flight (14:10)
- Tutorial 5 - 4 - Exporting your model for clients or the web - A quick example from Metashape (12:05)
- Tutorial 7-1 - An overview of the Metashape application - Starting more advanced topics (13:19)
- Tutorial 7-2 - A closer look at Metashape's Workflow - Align, Dense Cloud, Mesh, & Texture (16:55)
- Tutorial 7-3 - Model manipulation - Trim your model area before generating clouds, meshes, etc (15:29)
- Tutorial 7-4 - Metashape's workspace arrangement and use - "What does this button do?" (13:03)
- Tutorial 8-1 - Chunks, Batch Processing, & Camera Optimization. A few advanced topics. (11:32)
- Tutorial 8-2 - Good models gone bad - Manual image alignment with Metashape can help. (17:59)
- Tutorial 8-3 - Ground Control Points (GCPs). GIS knowledge will be needed. (11:34)
- Tutorial 8-4 - Final thoughts on GCPs and the necessary GIS knowledge needed for drone modelers (12:36)
What will you learn in this course?
- In this course students will learn about creating Drone Models and Maps with Agisoft Metashape
- Students will be shown drone modeling capture applications
- Students will be exposed to the process of autonomous drone flight for building 2D and 3D Models
- Students will learn about Metshape's Standard and Pro versions and the differences between them
- Students will learn about Digital Elevation Models, Orthomosaic Models, and 3D Models made with Metashape
- Students will be able to practice their own drone models with several image sets included in this course.
- Beginning students should develop a very good handle on the workflow process from drone to finished model in Metashape.
What should students know before taking this class?
- It would be most beneficial if students were already drone pilots. It's not required, but understanding drone flight will be beneficial
- Students should have a copy of Metashape Standard or Metashape Pro to get the most out of this course. They can download a 30 day trial of the software
- Students should have a working knowledge of legal drone flight in their location
- Students should be proficient drone pilots before they start this course. This course is not an introduction to drone flight, it is an introduction to drone modeling.
Who is this class for?
- Drone Pilots who want to grow their drone business
- Drone pilots who understand the basics of drone modeling
- Drone pilots who already understand drone flight basics, and the rules for drone flight in their country
- Beginning drone modeling students
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